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Netolice IC

Services offered

  • The information center provides an array of information materials and souvenirs
  • The information center provides information on the tourism, sports and other options, heritage sites, leisure programs, transport timetables, accommodation and dining options.
  • It sells maps, guides, postcards and souvenirs.
  • Visitors can use a computer with access to the internet and the information center network.

The information center is part of the JUDr. O. Kudrna Museum in Netolice. The center was established as part of the Rural Renewal Program and opened on 1 May 2002.

October – April,
Mon, Wed
9 am –noon and 1 – 5 pm
Tue, Thu, Fri
9 am –noon and 1 – 4 pm

May - September
Tue – Sun
9 am – noon and 1 – 4 pm
