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Holašovice IC

Services offered:

  • We provide visitors with information about the history and present of the village, basic information about the region, current cultural and sporting events and accommodation and dining options.
  • Print information and promotional materials are available.
  • We offer a wide selection of keepsakes and souvenirs, postcards, maps and books.
  • WiFi internet connection is available.
  • In addition, you can view an exhibition of rural items of everyday use from the mid 19th century, such as a loom, butter churn and plowing tools; a separate room contains a picture presentation of the village, its farmhouses and buildings with information about their history and the Rustic Baroque.
  • Both exhibitions are freely accessible.
  • There is a charge for the toilets.

April - August: Tue - Sun 9 am - 5 pm
September:  Sat - Sun 9 am - 5 pm

