
What is Toulava?

A tourist area around Tábor. It includes the Tábor and Milevsko districts and the Central Bohemian Sedlčany district. Toulava is the real heart of Bohemia.

The countryside is not as typically Czech anywhere else.

Visit this romantic and simple landscape halfway between Prague and the Šumava Mountains, where green hills and deep forests alternate with fairytale-like villages, romantic castle ruins and unique historic towns with numerous heritage sites such as the Hussite city of Tábor, Bechyně Chateau and Milevsko Monastery.

A region with a good mood.

Discover Toulava as a countryside with a good mood, where there is still lots to do, explore the cycling and hiking paradise in the unexplored country around Sedlčany and Jistebnice and with fun for the whole family filled with experiences in both summer and winter at the Monínec Resort, the Zeměráj Experience Park and the Museum of Chocolate and Housa’s Mill in Tábor, and the other beautiful places and corners of Toulava.

Toulava, your unexpected vacation at the heart of Bohemia.