Lipno Dam

This is a water work built on the Vltava River in 1952-1959. With its area of 48.7 km2 this is the largest dam reservoir and the largest water area in the Czech Republic, thanks to which it is also frequently known as the Czech or South Bohemian Sea. The length of the backwater is 42 km. The reservoir has its greatest width in Černá v Pošumaví, where it fl ows over up to 5 km. On the right side it reaches the state borders with Austria. There are three permanent islands on the dam. Under normal conditions, the circumference of the largest island known as “Taiwan” is 715 meters, located at the back part of the dam near Černá v Pošumaví. The second island is located nearby, and its circumference is approximately 140 m. The Rabbit Island is located near Lipno nad Vltavou; since 2010 it has been inhabited by rabbits and guinea pigs. Its circumference under normal conditions is 160 meters. Lipno Lake is a famous tourist resort in both the summer and winter months.


The Lipno Reservoir cuts through 42 kilometers of the Šumava countryside. No transportation routes were built over Lake Lipno (with the exception of two bridges near the tributary and a road
over the dyke). Roads are replaced by seasonal ferries. Regular water transport is also in operation on the lake.
