6. What to visit

Janecký Museum in Chotoviny with veteran cars

Shiny historical cars and motorcycles as well as domestic utensils and agricultural machines from the period of our grandmothers. Altogether more than 80 items. All this is managed by the Janecký Museum directly in Chotoviny. The motorcycles include Czech brands such as Jawa, ČZ, Simson, Pionýr, Tatran, and others. www.janecky.cz/veterani

Town of Tábor

The Hussite town of Tábor, founded in 1420, is a cradle of the European church reformation. The Hussite revolution movement was born here and changed the history of the Catholic Church forever. Romantic crooked streets that may be easily compared to the Old Town in Prague lead into the majestic Žižka Square, with most of its houses built in the 16th century and a complex network of underground passages that are now accessible to the public. The Old Tábor Town Hall is an architectonic jewel priding itself on its unique Gothic hall, the second largest in the Czech Republic which is currently a part of the Hussite Museum. A signifi cant dominating feature of the city is the castle of Kotnov with the Bechyně Gate and the church of the Transfi guration of Jesus on Tábor Hill. You can see that history is still alive here by visiting the medieval open-air museum in Housův mlýn. You can draw spiritual strength in Klokoty pilgrimage church where, according to legend, the Virgin Mary appeared. Those who like entertainment and sweets will be attracted by the Museum of Chocolate and Marzipan. It houses, for example, a chocolate statue of hockey player Jágr and you can take a sweet gift  with you for your family and friends from a wide range of chocolate and marzipan sweets. You can also enjoy a beer spa in Hotel Dvořák. www.visittabor.eu

Our TIP:

Brewery Museum in Tábor

In the cellar under the Beseda Restaurant in Tábor, you will learn everything about beer production and beer history in the city of Tábor. 


Muzeum pivovarnictví Tábor

Žižkovo náměstí 5

390 01 Tábor

+420 604 670 476


Tip for an experience

Try the sword from the Lord of the Rings, or the armor worn by Tom Cruise, both located in the largest armory in Europe, in the medieval open-air museum of Housův mlýn. In the local pub you can taste medieval meals and also a delicious frothy drink. www.housuvmlyn.cz/zbrojnice 

TOP cultural events

The Tábor Festival of Street Theater called Komedianti v ulicích (Comedians in the Streets), takes place every year at the beginning of August

The international historical festival called Táborská setkání (Tábor Meetings), takes place every year in the middle of September

Špejchar Želeč 

The building of the former granary currently accommodates a complex collection of formerly used mechanization. In addition to old cars, threshing machines, ploughs and harnesses, you can also enjoy toys, bassinettes and other items showing the common life of country households. The fi rst storey accommodates a gallery with a permanent exhibition of painter Alois Doležel and a number of seasonal exhibitions. www.spejcharzelec.cz

Town of Bechyně

The town of Bechyně, situated at the confluence of the river Lužnice and brook Smutná, is famous mainly for is production of ceramics and also for local spas. The most signifi cant monument is the castle which got its current appearance as a result of the construction activities of Petr Vok of Rožmberk. Other dominant monuments are the Franciscan monastery and Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary with its unique Late Gothic cellar vaults. Nearby you can fi nd a signifi cant technical monument – a reinforced concrete arch bridge called the “Bechyně Rainbow” from 1928. The town is currently a famous spa resort. In the local spa you can mainly cure musculoskeletal diseases with use of peat baths and compresses. www.mestobechyne.cz

TIP for an experience

Guided tours of Bechyně and its surroundings are provided. In the Tourist Center located in the square you can order a guided tour by microbus through the old town of Bechyně and to the unique Empire-style chain bridge in Stádlec.

TOP cultural events

Ceramic fairs, every year at the turn of July and August

Brass band festival, every year in August

Town celebrations called Bechyňské doteky (Bechyně Touches), every year in August

Zvíkov Castle

The Gothic castle of Zvíkov is situated on a rocky promontory above the confl uence of the Otava and Vltava Rivers. It was founded by the Přemyslid family in the fi rst half of the 13th century as a royal castle, and served the role of a military fortress mainly during periods of political instability. During the reign of Charles IV, the castle served for a certain period as a temporary deposit for the Czech crown jewels. It is currently a favorite tourist destination from which you can take a boat to the Orlík Castle. www.hrad-zvikov.cz

Orlík Castle

The originally Gothic royal castle from the 13th century was modifi ed and rebuilt over the course of time. The current castle consists of four wings enclosing a courtyard. The castle is separated from the surrounding area by a moat covered by a bridge leading to the passage way. The castle gained its name (orel=eagle) thanks to its location high on the rock above the valley of the Vltava. Aft er the Orlík dam was built, the castle appears only several meters above its water surface but still does not lose its charm. The castle accommodates a hunter’s hall with trophies, a great collection of hunting guns, and a library and historical museum. www.zamekorlik.cz

Town of Písek

This ancient town is located only 100 km from Prague in the direction of Český Krumlov. Písek features the oldest bridge in the Czech Republic. It comes from the 13th century and is almost 100 years older than the Charles Bridge in Prague. In Písek you can also visit the unique technical museum located in a functioning water power plant from the turn of the 19th century. You can make a tour of Zemský hřebčinec – an interesting architectonic complex of buildings made of brickwork with Art Nouveau details comprising spacious stables, a riding hall, and service and administrative buildings. The legendary horse named Ardo, who became of model for sculptor J. V. Myslbek when modelling the monument of St. Wenceslas for the Wenceslas square in Prague, comes from the Písek breed. One of Myslbek’s studies is currently standing on the yard of this stud farm. www.pisek.eu

Tip for an experience

The permanent exposition of the Písek Sladovna (malthouse) helps you learn more about the technology of malting that is the “heart of beer”, so you can enter the “golden times” of the Písek Sladovna and learn about malting, brewing, and the entire process of beer production. www.sladovna.cz

TOP cultural events

Cipískoviště or statues made of sand in Písek, every year from May to September

Slavnosti piva (Beer Festival) in Písek, every year in September.
