25. Nová Včelnice

Jews in Nová Včelnice are documented in written sources from the first quarter of the 18th century. The Jewish community was established in the first half of the 18th century and discontinued in 1893. The simple Classicist synagogue was built in the early 19th century, 350 meters northwest of the castle on the newly established Vrchlického Street. The synagogue was used for religious services until the 1920’s, then in 1941 its interior was destroyed. After 1945 it was rebuilt into family house No. 141, which still serves as a residence.

The Jewish cemetery was founded in 1800 on Šibeniční hill, a kilometer east of the castle on the road leading to Štítné. The cemetery currently covers 865 square meters and contains around 120 tombstones from the first half of the 19th century (allegedly from 1830) until the beginning of World War II. The cemetery is accessible across a low wall.

