42. Tučany

Jews began settling in the Tučapy during the 17th century at the latest. In 1723, there were 12 Jewish families living in Tučapy, by 1793 the number of families had risen to 49. Before the middle of the 19th century there were 30 families, in 1990 there were 90 Jews (9.0% of the population), in 1900 there were 50 Jews (6.2%), and only 19 Jews (1.6%) in 1930. The Jewish quarter in the 18th and 19th centuries consisted of two parts separated by a creek and the Castle Pond, which is now dry. In the northern district, on the street leading to Dvorce, a synagogue and twelve Jewish houses stood in 1853, also including the school (No. 64) and the Rabbinate (No. 65).

In the southern block of Jewish houses (on the street named Na nouzi) there were 15 Jewish houses in 1830 (including the hospital at No. 83 and a wine distillery). After the middle of the 19th century, 8 more Jewish houses stood on the street leading from the center of the village to the bridge. This street joined both older settlements. The houses are mostly ground floor structures and have been preserved in both parts of the Jewish quarter as reconstructions. The synagogue was built in 1779 in the northern Jewish quarter and was rebuilt after a fire in 1867. Worship was held there until the First World War. In 1934, the synagogue was sold and subsequently adapted to a Sokol House, then after 1950 it was rebuilt into a modern gymnasium. The northwest facade with its entrance portal, now walled, was preserved.

The Jewish cemetery located at the western end of the southern Jewish quarter on the south bank of Černovický creek, was probably founded in 1713. There are still 360 tombstones from 1737 to the Second World War, and the cemetery covers an area of 2,356 square meters. The most interesting gravestone belongs to that of Sali, the wife of Avigdor Alina, from 1859, decorated with engraved architecture reminiscent of the Torah scrolls in a synagogue, with its sides complemented by carved pilasters symbolizing the two pillars that stood at the entrance to the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem.

Interesting: Tučapy was the birthplace of the band director of Prague’s Liberated Theater and later conductor of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra Karel Ančerl (1908-1973 Toronto, Canada); his memory is honored with a commemorative plaque on the building of the municipal office.

