43. Velký Pečín

There was no Jewish community nor Jewish religious community in Velký Pěčín. The Jewish cemetery is located in a forest 1.5 km northwest of the village, on the very border of the South Bohemian and Vysočina Regions, approximately two hundred meters east of the road between Myslůvka and Kostelní Vydří. It was allegedly founded around the middle of the 16th century for the needs of the Jewish community in Telč.

The oldest surviving tombstones date from the middle of the 17th century: from 1655 these are the tombs of Brajndl daughter of Zajnvil, and Frajdl daughter of Mordechaj, while the tombstone of Hesdil daughter of Jicchak Tausk is from 1690. The tombstone of the patron of the Telč Jewish community, Jacob Lang, is also preserved from 1829. Burials were held here until the end of the 1870’s, when a new Jewish cemetery was founded in Telč (on the southern outskirts of the town) in 1879-1880. Today, the 803 square meters of the Jewish cemetery hold around 150 tombstones, including many valuable Baroque and Classicist steles. The cemetery is freely accessible.

Interesting: In neighboring Kostelní Myslová, the academic painter František Mořic Nágl, author of vistas from the Terezín (Theresienstadt) ghetto, was born on 28 May 1889. František Nágl spent most of his life in his home town; it was not only a place of rest for him, but especially a source of artistic inspiration. He was arrested in 1941 on the Telč town square directly at his painter’s easel. He was subsequently imprisoned for six months in the Kounic dormitories in Brno, and in May 1942 he was taken with his family and other Jews to the Terezín ghetto. In Terezín, Nágl painted and documented the realities around him: the interiors of the quarters, the corner areas of the courtyards, and the prisoners. For a long time, nothing was known about his watercolors, drawings, and gouaches, because he walled them up in one of the houses. They were accidentally discovered during the reconstruction of the building in 1950. No one from the painter’s family survived the war. A memorial plaque for F. M. Nágl was unveiled at the Zachariáš of Hradec town square in Telč on 22 May 2002

