The Bucquoy tomb is a significant dominant feature of the Nové Hrady cemetery. It was built based on the project of Joseph Schulz in 1902-1904 as a Neo-Gothic chapel and has two parts: a crypt in the basement and a chapel on the upper fl oor. The most signifi cant part of the outer decoration is the Marian mosaic based on the design of Max Švabinský, and a stone relief above the portal in the basement with the earl’s coat of arms and family motto “Dieu et mon Roi” (For God and My King). The tomb currently houses eight coffi ns with the bodies of the Bucquoy Family and their relatives, siblings from the Cappy Family. Other members of the Bucquoy Family remained placed in the original family tomb built by Countess Marie Magdalena in the church in Nové Hrady in the 17th century.
The tomb is located at the edge of the cemetery in Nové Hrady, where some famous persons of Nové Hrady history are also buried. In addition to religious offi cers from the Servite order, you can also visit the tomb of the Nové Hrady Bucquoy archivist and author of a book about the history of the town and dominion of Nové Hrady, Anton Teichl. The tomb is accessible as part of organized tours.